
Category: Celestial Conjunction

Moon, Venus, and Three crosses

Moon, Venus, and Three crosses

On April 26th, 2020, a beautiful celestial conjunction occured by late evening hours. The young (crescent) Moon with its Earthshined “face” appeared close by bright planet Venus. Me and my fiend Rene Uxa enjoyed this view by cultural and historical monument called “Three crosses” (crosses of hope) nearby Prameny, Mariánské Lázně, the Czech Republic. Wonderful…
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ISS transits the Sun - mosaic

Space Station in the Sun

No sunspot? No problem! Today, on 8 April, 2020, I was lucky enough to capture ephemeral transit of International Space Station against the Sun within 0,81 sec! Amazing about this is the solar panels of the station were perfectly turned to the Sun so there is no doubt this is it! The station was only…
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ISS transits the Moon

ISS transits the Moon–again

More and more is to see now – Venus by Pleiades, comet ATLAS and–ISS flying by the Moon. This time I succeeded close by my observation site with full transit. Illuminated Space Station was beautifully visible to naked eyes, here is even more to see, using 1m telephoto lense. Specifically used Canon 6D, MTO 1100/f10.5,…
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Venus and Pleiades

Floating by Star Clusters

Venus like a brilliant in the sky by captivating Pleiades star cluster, larger Hyades star cluster with bright star Aldebaran close by. This once-per-eight-years view occured last night, on April 1st, 2020, during stronger moonlight, illuminating the foreground of calm surface of Seč lake, Czech Republic, where even reflections of the brightest object appear like…
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Gazing Venus and Pleiades

Venus and Pleiades

Just two day left to unique phenomenon: Planet Venus will glide right through the Pleiades star cluster. Despite stronger moonlight try not to miss this in eveningsky. It only happens this way once in 8 years! Yesterday I was able to catch this view in the shore of Seč lake, Czech Republic, when sky began…
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Reaching the Mugecuo lake

Gems of Chinese nightscapes

In period 22nd October to 3st November 2019 I spent beautiful time in China, enjoying especially night moments under (mostly) perfectly dark skies with great photographer Jeff Dai. Visiting some spectacular places in Sichuan province with a luck for weather, I was able to record a few special views of this amazing piece of the…
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Twilight Venus and Jupiter pairing

Twilight Venus and Jupiter pairing

Over the central Europe, the beautiful Venus-Jupiter pairing on 24 November 2019 occured during twilight hours, but planetary duo was visible anyway. Both planets in this view set over Beskids mountains, Czech Republic. Even if cold evening, still wonderful to see such a significant conjuction of the brightest planets in the sky. Last time I…
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