
Category: Eclipses

Solar Eclipse over Belian Tatras

Solar Eclipse over Belian Tatras

Today, on October 25th, 2022, a partial solar eclipse occurred over most of Europe and Asia. For this opportunity, I traveled a lot across Slovakia, looking for some clear skies over the beautiful mountainous landscapes. Eventually, I made it happen nearby Ždiar, from where the peaks of the Belian Tatras appeared just below the sun,…
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Deep Sky Lunar Eclipse - Wide

Deep Sky Lunar Eclipse

On May 15-16, 2022, a total lunar eclipse occurred, visible primarily over western Europe and the Americas. Located in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, I had a truly spectacular view of this particular phenomenon nearby the center of the Milky Way in the dark skies (and almost in zenith). Thus it was well possible to…
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Solar Eclipse over the Moon Valley

Solar Eclipse over the Moon Valley

On April 30th, 2022, the partial solar eclipse was visible over South America, especially in Chile and Argentina. The deepest coverage on the ground was visible by sunset in the south of Chile, where the Moon covered about 40 % of the Sun. I was lucky to watch this unusual sunset eclipse over the Moon…
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The Eclipse and Stars (somewhere) over the South Pole

Eclipse Air Traffic

Despite the pandemic, many people traveled for today’s (Dec. 4th, 2021) part of totality to see the spectacular total solar eclipse over Antarctica. Some were lucky to get on the “sixth continent”, others traveled via ship cruise in the Weddell Sea and around, the third group of eclipse chasers chose eclipse flight around 41000 feet…
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Behold the lunar mountains

Beautiful Partial Solar Eclipse

What a wonderful partial solar eclipse today, on 10th June 2021 over Mezhovice, the Czech Republic. I have many clear-skies shots of the eclipsed sun, but this time I enjoyed even the cloudy moments. When the Sun was behind, but still visible, the view was just so dramatic and colorful. Used Sony A7S, MTO 1100/10.5,…
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Einstein's Eclipse 1919--Colorized

Einstein’s Eclipse 1919–Colorized

Using a digital scan of the 1919 eclipse from one copy of a plate from Sobral from Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, who scanned theirs as part of the Heidelberg Digitized Astronomical Plates (HDAP) project funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation, it was possible to reconstruct the solar corona and also structures of the huge prominence of this…
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Pre-solstice Penubral Lunar Eclipse

Pre-Solstice Penubral Lunar Eclipse

This pre-solstice penumbral lunar eclipse on June 5th, 2020, was not easy to see due to wild rainy/cloudy weather over the Czech Republic. Eventually, I found a beautiful spot nearby Hrobice, from where the penubrally eclipsed Moon rose over Kuneticka Hora castle. It was taken at 19:16 UTC, so only 9 minutes before the maximum…
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