
Latest images / Nejnovější snímky

Perseids, Galaxy and SAR

Aurora and Perseids in August 2024

On August 11-12-13, 2024, an Aurora Borealis appeared even over the Czech Republic, central Europe. It was a faint but beautiful Aurora Borealis with many waves during the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower. For this time-lapse, taken from Ústupky (49.82N, 15.65E) in a period between 23:28-2:13 CEST I used Canon 6D and Samyang 14mm.…
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Sprites above Italy

Sprites above Italy

This early morning’s (7 August 2024) stormy weather over southern Austria (northern Italy) was pretty active. While observing from Ústupky, Czech Republic a beautiful, but elusive Red Sprite appeared, produced by a strong thunderstorm, which was located above Eastern Alps, about 390 km far from me. Their typical red color is caused by nitrogen emission…
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Buck Moon rises over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle

Yesterday, on 21 July 2024, the “Buck” Full Moon occurred. Here comes a series of the Moon rising over the famous Czech Kunetice Mountain Castle (from the 15th century) as it was seen from a precisely calculated place near Hrobice village. In this multiexposure, I tried to capture the change of color of the rising…
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Double Lightning Strike

Double Lightning Strike

Yesterday’s stormy weather over eastern Slovakia and Ukraine (14/15 July 2024) was pretty active. While observing north from Terňa city to east direction, two types of lightning appeared. Over distant Veľký Slivník (on right), just developing Cumulonimbus cloud produced one of its first cloud-ground lightning. This cloud was about 70 km away and very well…
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Red Sprite above Poland

Sprites above Poland

Severe stormy weather over central Europe brings one of the most spectacular but also mysterious phenomena: The Red Sprites. Firstly observed in 1989, they became a target for many specialized photographers and videographers to improve their understanding of them. So far we know now is the fact, the fragments-of-seconds flashes are counter-discharge of CG+ lightning…
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Comet Olbers and Kunetice Moun Castle

Summer Comet 13P/Olbers

These days we can enjoy another comet just with a small telescope in our hand. Its name is 13P/Olbers, discovered by famous astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers (1758-1840) on March 1815. Comet’s orbital period is now around 70 years which makes it visible for most of us only once in our lives. Coincidentally, with another brighter…
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Colorful Noctilucent Clouds Panorama - Cut

Colorful Noctilucent Clouds Panorama

The Noctilucent Clouds (NLC) season 2024 is underway on the north of Earth. Caused by dust particles (containing meteor dust) and ice high in the mesosphere, they become visible only at dusk and dawn when scattering light of our sun located 6-16 degrees below the horizon. Yesterday, on 23 June 2024, I enjoyed this epic…
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