
Since 1999 I travel with my friends for observing an astronomical phenomena. Most of all it is because of total solar eclipses. These expeditions are called SAROS, founded by Vaclav Knoll in 1995. Beside SAROS expeditions I travel for total or else interesting lunar eclipses. These expeditions are called TRITOS (SAROS and TRITOS - periods of repeating of solar and lunar eclipses in same sequences and with similar conditions; SAROS period lasts 18 years 10/11 days and about 8 hours, during the period occur 43 solar and 29 lunar eclipses; TRITOS is three times longer period). The bellowing list shows expedition I attended.

IX. expedice SAROS in Uganda

Expedition Dark Canary sky, 2013

Expedition Perseids, 2013, Ivan Dolac, Hvar (Croatia)

VIII. expedition SAROS do Austrálie

V. expedition TRITOS, Ko Lan (Thailand)

IV. expediton TRITOS, Strání (Czech republic)

Expedition Quadrantids, 2011, Seč (Czech republic)

VII. expedition SAROS in Pacific

VI. expedition SAROS in China

III. expedition TRITOS, Železná Ruda (Czech republic)

V. expedition SAROS in Russia

II. expedition TRITOS, Sklabiňa (Slovak republic)

Expedition Quadrantids, 2008, Seč (Czech republic)

Expedition for comet 17P Holmes in Germany

Expedition Geminids, 2006, Zubří (Czech republic)

Expedition Leonids, 2006, Medvědín (Czech republic)

IV. expedition SAROS in Turkey, 2006

Expedition Spain, 2005

I. expedition TRITOS, 2003, Říčky (Czech republic)

Expedition Geminids, 2002, Fox mount (Czech republic)

Expedition Leonids, 2002, Šerlich (Czech republic)

Expedice for comet 153P Ikeya-Zhang on Mt. Šerlich

III. expedition SAROS in Hungary, 1999

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