My drawings

How I walk on the world, I cognize various human characters, the most interesting theme from all emotions is love. It is everywhere and meets everyone, willy-nilly. Albert Einstein said: "The end of the world will come, when the people stop to sing." And it should be the end of my world of drawings and everlasting inspiration. Thanks to the music (which is nice, harmonic, gentle, and little graduating; however it is blues, rock ballad or whatever) I can draw. Just the music brings to me short stories, which end happili or tragic; I always describe the most important moment of whole my imagination. And it always has something conjunctive with my life. Here the drawings are. By click on image you can see the one in bigger resolution. If you click on "More informations about drawings" you will see a "txt" file with everything about all drawings (date, meaning, name ... ).

Astronomical architecture and technology
Portraits of famous men of science
Portraits of girls
Fishing melancholies
Drawings full of emotions

More information about drawings

Jazyk / Language
Last update:
March 30th, 2014
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since Jan. 29, 2009