
Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon rises over Kunetice Castle

Yesterday, on 21 July 2024, the “Buck” Full Moon occurred. Here comes a series of the Moon rising over the famous Czech Kunetice Mountain Castle (from the 15th century) as it was seen from a precisely calculated place near Hrobice village. In this multiexposure, I tried to capture the change of color of the rising Moon due to atmospheric scattering. For this sequence, I used Canon 6D, Tamron 70-200mm@200mm, f2.8, ISO100, 15s (foreground) and 17×1/30s (Moon).

Buck Moon rises over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon rises over Kunetice Castle

Using a 1m telephoto lens, I was able to take a nice close-up of the view as the castle was about 2,2 km far from my observing spot. Used Canon Ra, 1000mm, f10, ISO1600, different exposures, tripod.

Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle

Buck Moon over Kunetice Castle