Yesterday, on 21 July 2024, the “Buck” Full Moon occurred. Here comes a series of the Moon rising over the famous Czech Kunetice Mountain Castle (from the 15th century) as it was seen from a precisely calculated place near Hrobice village. In this multiexposure, I tried to capture the change of color of the rising Moon due to atmospheric scattering. For this sequence, I used Canon 6D, Tamron 70-200mm@200mm, f2.8, ISO100, 15s (foreground) and 17×1/30s (Moon).
Using a 1m telephoto lens, I was able to take a nice close-up of the view as the castle was about 2,2 km far from my observing spot. Used Canon Ra, 1000mm, f10, ISO1600, different exposures, tripod.