Little prince’s planet” Earth is a shore of frozen Seč reservoir of the Czech Republic and tiny snowy blanket full of human and animal footprints. The “little prince” is looking towards the brightest evening star, planet Venus, which is remarkable even in the dusk. Although the horizon is effected by light pollution, a curved light column is noticeable in the direction from the Venus to the left top. It is the zodiacal light. The “little prince” can also see the Milky Way – our home galaxy, which encircles the sky around. Pink emission nebula on right is NGC7000 “North America” and on the left bottom corner can be see another “American” nebula – the California nebula (NGC1499). Not so far (in the sky), you can also find the beautiful Pleiades star cluster. As the temperature was getting low during the photographing, there appeared prominent light pillars above the far street lights, giving a magic touch to the composition. So Merry Christmas 🙂 Captured on 20th December 2016, used Canon 6D Baader IR modified, Samyang 24 mm, f2.8, ISO 8000, 52x15s panorama from tripod.
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