
The end of total eclipse

The end of total eclipse

One of the most amazing experiences of year 2017 was – with no doubts – the total solar eclipse over USA. Here comes another portrait of this unusual celestial show, captured from Guernsey State Park, Wyoming, during the 2min 19sec long totality. In fact, it shows the ending of the show, when first light of the solar photosphere appeared in the pink chromosphere over the lunar limb, while spectacular solar corona was still surrounding the hidden sun in the sky. Image is result of combining two sets of data, one from Canon 6D with 1100mm telephoto lenses on Vixen GP-2 mount (innner corona) and Nikon D810 with 400mm lenses on HEQ6 mount (outer corona). The brightest star in the sky is Regulus, the alpha of Leo constellation. Details in corona were enanced by prof. Miloslav Druckmüller’s NAFE software.

I would like to acknowledge great support for the eclipse expedition, which was made possible by grants from NASA, NSF, the American Astronomical Society to the PI, Shadia R. Habbal of the Institute for Astronomy, the University of Hawaii, to all the members of the Solar Wind Sherpas expedition, to ASTELCO company, VIXEN company and European Southern Observatory. Without their support the expedition would not have made and materialized.