What is that object transiting the Moon? A cosmic bird? Something better. Almost nobody knew Sundeay evening, 20:18 UTC, the International Space Station invisibly flew in the sky Czech sky until – for observers in narrow path – appeared in front of the Moon. It wasn’t coincidence, I knew precisely when to open the camera’s shutter, however I still felt like a nervous blind guy. The ISS was more than 1044 km from me and appeared only for 1.3 seconds in front of the lunar face. I know much better and more talented photographers (of you) succeeded with similar shooting in the past, but it made me happy, cause I used regular camera with 1m telephoto lens from regular tripod when traveling by car to my cottage. No special preparation. And still, it was possible to make it just by stopping the car for the moment on a parking lot, shoot it and continue on the way home 🙂 Used Canon 6D and MTO 1100mm/f10.5.