In real dark, cosmic lights appear. For many people, get under the dark skies means go tens of miles outside of cities. Although it’s possible to see more stars there, but to get under the naturally dark night sky, it’s necessary to travel hundreds and thousands of miles away from light sources. Unfortunately. Even during observing a meteor shower. A significant consequence of light pollution is “losing” weaker meteors disappearing in city lights. As closer to cities we actually are, the less count of meteors we can see. And that’s the main goal of this comparison image of Perseids 2020 observation made by Tomas Slovinsky (Slovakia) and me (Czech Republic). The left photograph comes from the darkest area of Slovakia – Dark Sky Park Poloniny with Bortle 2 sky. The right image is from Seč lake in the Czech Republic, where you can find Bortle 4 sky. The difference between those two classes of the sky is about thousand of stars seen by the naked eye and amount of faint meteors as well.
Both of us used similar equipment and post-process. After all, everything was processed together to achieve relevant output. Used Canon 6D mod, Sigma Art 28mm (Tomas), Samyang 24mm (me). For meteors: 2 x Samyang 12mm used by both photographers (timelapsing with f2.8, ISO 10000, 30s).