
Category: Meteors and Meteor Showers

The Meteor Showers Collection

The Meteor Showers Collection

It took long 8 years but it was worth it. Here comes the longest and most time-consuming astrophotography project of my life, the complete collection of major annual meteor showers with a normal zenithal hourly rate of more than 18 meteors per hour. While most stargazers around the globe are familiar with August Perseids and…
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Eta-Aquarids and Planets

Eta-Aquarids and Planets

The annual meteor shower Eta-Aquarids is just in progress and I was lucky to observe the maximum at San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Luckily, the weather is very favorable and Moon doesn’t shine when radiant rises, so I took the chance to capture this composite image. Foreground was taken on May 3rd while meteors were…
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Perseids and Perseus

Perseids against the Milky Way

This year’s Perseid meteor shower promised a wonderful celestial show under the dark starry sky, far away from the harmful light pollution from the cities. Thus I traveled south to the dark place of Crete Island, Greece. Despite the lower frequency of the meteors during the expected Perseid’s peak, there was still so much to…
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Lost Meteors

Lost Meteors

In real dark, cosmic lights appear. For many people, get under the dark skies means go tens of miles outside of cities. Although it’s possible to see more stars there, but to get under the naturally dark night sky, it’s necessary to travel hundreds and thousands of miles away from light sources. Unfortunately. Even during…
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Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes

Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes

Debris of Halley’s comet enter our atmosphere every May and October, producing two annual meteor showers. The October one, peaking usually around 21st October, is called Orionids. In the view, you can count 19 of them seemingly flying from are above Orion constellation (left from the center). The sky is crossed by the Milky Way,…
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Immersive Perseid Night

Immersive Perseid Night

Have you had a chance to gaze the Perseids of this year? The annual meteor shower was disturbed by the Moon, but still, there were some moonless hours to enjoy many meteors up above. After many restrictions made the traveling for Perseids a bit complicated, I decided to stay at Seč lake, Czech “Iron Mountains”,…
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Whole Night Perseid Mosaic

Whole Night Perseid Mosaic

It took almost 2 years of work, almost 450 hours of postprocessing and many hours of other hard work, but it was worth it. Here comes final result of Perseid meteor shower 2018 observed in Poloniny Dark Sky Park (more info on dark sky preservation on International Dark Sky Association) by Kolonica Observatory, Slovakia, during…
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