
Morning Moon and the Space Station

Morning Moon and the Space Station

Last days the International Space Station (ISS) prepared several beautiful transits in front of the morning crescent Moon over Central Europe. I was lucky with one of these beautiful, even if very elusive moments, too. While observing from Jetonice, Czech Republic, on Thursday, August 29th, 2024, the Moon was covered by a thin layer of cirrus clouds. This caused a little bit worse visibility of the ISS but it was definitely a much more colorful show. The whole sequence shows about 6 seconds of shooting through my 250mm Dobsonian telescope (around 1:45 UTC), where also the gentle Earthshine was easily visible. Would you like to purchase a high-quality copy for print? Find out more here.

Morning Moon and the Space Station

Morning Moon and the Space Station

Used Canon Ra, RL 254/1200 (Skywatcher Flextube), HDR of Moon (ISO 3200, vary exposures), sequence of ISS (ISO 5000, 1/4000s exposures).

Details about the transit on 29 August 2024 over Jetonice, Czech Republic

Details about the transit on 29 August 2024 over Jetonice, Czech Republic