Last days the International Space Station (ISS) prepared several beautiful transits in front of the morning crescent Moon over Central Europe. I was lucky with one of these beautiful, even if very elusive moments, too. While observing from Jetonice, Czech Republic, on Thursday, August 29th, 2024, the Moon was covered by a thin layer of cirrus clouds. This caused a little bit worse visibility of the ISS but it was definitely a much more colorful show. The whole sequence shows about 6 seconds of shooting through my 250mm Dobsonian telescope (around 1:45 UTC), where also the gentle Earthshine was easily visible. Would you like to purchase a high-quality copy for print? Find out more here.
Used Canon Ra, RL 254/1200 (Skywatcher Flextube), HDR of Moon (ISO 3200, vary exposures), sequence of ISS (ISO 5000, 1/4000s exposures).